Thursday, December 29, 2011

sisterly love

sisters stick together.
sisters defend each other.
sisters fight each others' battles.
sisters know just how to make each other laugh.
sisters fight.
sisters know when to let it go and just love.
sisters make it about "you" not "me."
sisters forgive.
sisters share.
sisters are a team.
sisters don't let sisters have bad friends.
sisters protect.
sisters have nightly sleepovers.
sisters are fashion consultants.
sisters encourage.
sisters can talk & listen.
sisters consider one another their biggest blessing.
sisters learn how to practice grace.
sisters have to practice grace in regard to people who hurt their sisters.
sisters are accountability partners.
sisters are roommates.
sisters can be boiling mad one moment and cracking jokes the next.
sisters have thick skin. 

Monday, December 26, 2011

The Moon on the Wing
The wee hours...
They belong to the mothers
They belong to the lovers
They belong to the lonely who stare at tv sets
They belong to the loved who leave one in bed for sunrises and cigarettes
The wee hours, yes, they belong to the babes
They belong to the writers,
to the mourners,
to the ghosts out of their graves.

Listen to the crickets.
Listen to the moon.
Is she comforting to you-- or does she arrive too soon?
She speaks not to me,
but perhaps you hear the sound.
Does she whisper or sing? Is she quiet or loud?

To me, she is cold and distant and blue
Unless she is low and enormous and gold
when she shines like that, I could swallow her up

I'd let her sink deep down into my gut and glow
If I glowed like that maybe then you'd know
how true is my aim
how real is my path
how much I am seeking
how I don't want to do this alone...

The wee hours...
They belong to the pray-ers
They belong to the dreamers
They belong to the hopeless who stare blankly into mirrors
They belong to the angels who stare back with fire and rescue
The wee hours, yes, they belong to the shamed
The prowlers can prowl and the gamblers can game
But the wee hours belong to the weeping and brave.

The sunlight will come and make a new start
Though, before one can start, one must make resolve
It's the moonlight, my dear, that stirs up your heart.

Let her dance in, but remember in the morn
That you promised and vowed and swore the night before
That you'd make a new start when the moon disappeared...
Well, the new sun is coming!
She's coming!
Almost here...

-bethany joy galeotti

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Life Lessons from Anne Shirley

Beautiful, smart, determined, witty, well-spoken, feisty, intuitive...Anne has it all. And we can learn so much from this beloved girl.

1. being dramatic is okay if you're elegant about it.

2. if he gently touches your face and calls you, 'carrots', KEEP HIM.

3. laugh excessively with your best friend.

4. WRITE, even if the product is a bit shameful.

5. if you need to compete with someone in order to succeed, choose someone as cordial and forgiving as Gilbert Blythe.

6. allow older people to inspire you. 
"tomorrow is always fresh with no mistakes in it"

 7. sometimes, you just gotta embrace that natural hair color.

8. find that romantic bridge and that handsome man in your own life.

9. consider happiness in terms of non-materialistic things.
"We are rich. We have sixteen years to our credit,
and we both have wonderful imaginations. We should be as happy as queens"

10. collect kindred spirits.

11. apologize with style.

12. find your paradise. 

13. fall in love reluctantly...enjoy it rather than rushing it.

14. memorize your favorite poems and quotes to recite when necessary. 
"There she weaves by night and day
A magic web with colors gay
She has heard a whisper say,
A curse is on her if she stay
To look down to Camelot."

15. have the perfect response ready when the man of your dreams tells you he loves you. 
G: it'll be 3 years before I graduate med school,
and even then there won't be any diamond sunbursts or marble halls.
A: I don't want sunbursts or marble halls; I just want you.



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