Wednesday, October 23, 2013

you are a collection

"For He will conceal me in His shelter in the day of adversity; He will hide me under the cover of His tent; He will set me high on a rock" -- Psalm 27:5
Recently, I learned (thanks to that powerhouse preacher, Beth Moore) that the Hebrew word used in this passage for "conceal" is tsaphan, meaning "to hide" or "treasure up." The substituted meaning totally changed my perspective:
"He will treasure me up in His shelter in the day of adversity"
He will treasure me up. Treasure me up! 
I instantly envisioned the Lord gathering up all parts of me -- the good & bad, the confidence & the insecurity, the greatness & the shame, the faithfulness & the discontentment -- and holding it ALL close to Him. He becomes the shelter over us, our true hiding place where he is more than sufficient in guarding, covering, and concealing. He treasures every detail of who we are and gathers it near to Him. 
The illustration that immediately came to mind - as I was nestled on the couch jotting down prayers - was an image of my mama's china set, carefully stored away from her everyday dishes. White. Shiny gold rims on the teacups. Whimsical pink roses swooping across the glass. A precious collection.   
He will treasure you up. Gather all parts of you. And hold you gently. 
YOU are a precious collection -- just like a china set -- that Jesus is seeking to complete. And he longs for all the pieces that together comprise YOU as YOU.  
But let's admit times we're ashamed of the all the different pieces that make us who we are. And we just want to keep them  wrapped in newspaper and stored away under lock and key. We don't want them being seen or used. We convince ourselves they're not adequate enough to create that hostess-worthy, picture-perfect place setting that we all want to display for others...instead our pieces seem scattered, disassembled, and definitely not ready for company to sit down at our table of life and catch a glimpse.

We look at ourselves as fragile. Maybe we even have broken pieces and we're jagged and sharp. We feel incomplete, even disposable. If we're a collection, we feel like we should be sold, traded, replaced.
But the Lord doesn't see the brokenness -- only the beauty. In His eyes, we are hand painted, hand crafted, dazzling like gold, purposefully curved and molded, transparent like crystal in the eyes of our Maker.
Like my mother's tea set, or something similar that's displayed in the window of an antique shop...these collections each have a story. They have value. They are coveted, preserved. They represent a cherished heritage and are used for the best of guests. 
The same goes for you. THESE are the things His Word says you are:
Designed (Psalm 139:13)
Crafted (Isaiah 64:8)
Admired (Zephaniah 3:17)
Wanted (Luke 19:10)
Chosen (John 15:16)
Bought (1 Corinthians 7:23)
Displayed (Psalm 8:4-6)
Useful (Ephesians 2:10)

God seeks to collect every aspect of your character and your heart in order to fully KNOW YOU. He views you as a precious collection that is proudly acclaimed, sought-after, and rare, no -- better, ONE OF A KIND!

So don't dwell on those little cracks and smudge marks. The chips or fading paint. No, instead hold fast to this truth:
"My GRACE is sufficient for you, for my POWER is made PERFECT in WEAKNESS." -- 2 Corinthians 12:9
He is the maker of perfection. He has created you to be a beautiful collection. And he is gathering you, treasuring you, and hiding you under his mighty shelter.
"He tends his flock like a shepherd: He GATHERS the lambs IN HIS ARMS and CARRIES THEM CLOSE TO HIS HEART" -- Isaiah 40:11

Sunday, October 13, 2013

rainy october

It's been raining for 6 days straight now. But I don't mind. 

Ben and I have been cutting our AC off, opening our door wide, pulling the screen shut, and listening to the drizzling rain as it starts and stops. Over and over again. The raindrops jump off the wood and occasionally, we'll watch leaves float to the wet ground. We get cozy on the couch with mugs of warm, spiced cider and then doze off to football games on TV. 

You are most loved at The Treehouse, sweet October. Thanks for the British weather as we ring in month 3 of marriage. 

"I'm so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers" -- L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables 
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