Monday, November 16, 2020

life tips for my rothwell girls

Just some thoughts on a random Friday while I'm sitting in a coffee shop. Your Dad is home with you both after he told me to get some "me time." And of course I spend it thinking about you. About the lives ahead of you...what I wish for you to know, carry with you, cultivate. 

Here are some life tips from my heart to yours.

Rule your spirit.
You have what it takes to think clearly, exercise self-control, & rise above self-pity.

Make a bucket-list.
Give thought to the big & small things you want to experience in this life. You'll feel so satisfied when you check things off.

Send thank you notes.
It's a small yet thoughtful gesture that speaks volumes. 

Make faith, integrity, and courage the themes of your life. 
Do the right thing even when the right thing is hard. Always remember the one who gives you the strength in the margin. Don't fumble through with uneasiness, but instead rest EASY in the one who goes before you. 

Care about grammar. 
Learn the difference between they’re, their, and there. 

Lovers gonna love and haters gonna hate.
Let go of what people think of you. Love hard and without discrimination. 

Be slow to offense.
And quick to give people the benefit of the doubt. 

Strong is the new pretty.
Take care of your body, but do not obsess over it. Eat what you want without fear while always considering foods that fuel you. 

Make a habit of praying every morning for favor, anointing, and wisdom.
We've prayed it over you since you were born. You'll see doors open and God will give you the wisdom to know which ones to walk through.

Be others-oriented.
Make the nobodies become great somebodies. Don't underestimate kindness.

Know you're accountable for apologizing.
It's on you. Humility is important. Love keeps no records of wrongs.

Be teachable.
You're a student long after your school years.

Use your ears more than your mouth.
Listen, learn, think, observe. Wisdom lives there.

Find a man like your Dad.
I'm praying God replicates him just right for you. Be patient & don't rush into any relationship you don't feel peace about. And it's okay to openly compare him to the amazing men in your just might provide some relief and clarity. 

Pay attention to your emotions. 
Feel what you feel. What is God saying through these feelings? Or in spite of them?

Let prayer do the heavy lifting.
Do not be anxious about in your maker who holds it all together. Pray, pray, pray.

Laughter is medicine.
Be joyous. Smile whenever you can. Find people who make you laugh, refresh your mood, and lighten your load.

Be a leader, not a follower.
Don't follow the crowd, don't take your queue from culture. Don't let others determine your choices, your values, your likes/dislikes. The best leaders are great followers, but they discern the difference between who they should follow and who they should lead. 

Use your manners, common sense, and problem solving skills. 
This is SO important to your Dad. I know he will be a great teacher in these areas so you become ole pros. 

Friends come & go, family will always be family.
You've got a really big one and they're really the best. Never take them for granted.

Review & name your blessings.
Even the most common & ordinary. Gratitude gives you grace for what isn't & a contented grip on what is. 

Look forward to tomorrow.
No matter what happened today. Tomorrow is a fresh day with no mistakes in it yet.

Seek out people different from you.
Diversify your life. You'll be a better you if everyone around you doesn't look or think like you.

Be well-rounded & well-traveled. 
Go places, pursue hobbies, develop a skillset, value education, read books, watch documentaries, try new things, embrace new cultures, go on adventures, don't believe everything on the internet. 

Be a dreamer & a planner too. 
Find what lights up your soul, believe in yourself, make a plan, then a plan B and C, then work hard.

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