Thursday, January 2, 2014

twenty thirteen

I am proud of the year twenty thirteen. I spent half of it preparing to be married and the other half privileged to be married. I stared change in the face and conquered it. The biggest telltale sign being the former Destiny Morrow replaced with Destiny Rothwell. I started my own (very small) family, exercising strength to leave my (very large) family in order to do so. I got a dream job, kept house, changed my hair, watched tolerated redskins games, folded towers of boxers, walked the foundation of our future home, and endured sharing a bed with someone who clearly never learned how to share a bed. 

Twenty thirteen was good to me. In fact, on New Year's Eve, I woke up feeling hesitant to let it go. It was as if I refused to unclench my fists and open my hands to let more in. What if what's ahead doesn't live up to what we left behind in that beautiful year of bliss?

“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.”   ~Isaiah 43:18 & 19

our LAST photo from the year we got hitched…peace OUT!
So yes. I may not have control of what comes. So yes. I may not be able to foresee what I will face. But I am confident. And with God, I am courageous. It will be a year of victory, wonder, and significance. He is making the way and because of that, I live with excited expectancy!

twenty thirteen was the year of change.

twenty fourteen is the year to charge forward.

1 comment:

  1. You are so cute. :) Love the idea of charging forward this next year!

    Also… as I remember, you're not so great at sharing a bed yourself. ;)


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