Sometimes I listen to a specific song I'm craving, sometimes I listen to an artist or band that intrigues me, sometimes I listen to full albums, sometimes I listen to playlists, sometimes I listen to music that matches my mood, and sometimes I skip the preliminaries and just hit "shuffle."
yesterday was one such day.
As I drove down the I75 through Illinois, I had my family in tow, some pringles at my fingertips, head phones in tact, and music going song by song to pass the time.
As if planned by God, three songs came on in consecutive order that changed everything for me. When linked together, they portrayed such a message - I could not ignore it.
Better Days - Goo Goo Dolls
"and the one poor child who saved this world
and there's ten million more who probably could
if we all just stopped and said a prayer for them"
Meant to Live - Switchfoot
"we were meant to live for so much more,
have we lost ourselves?"
Falling Slowly - Glen Hansard & Marketa Irglova
"take this sinking boat and point it home,
we've still got time"
I was suddenly overwhelmed with shame and guilt. I could be doing something notable, something great, something helpful. But I'm not. At least, I wasn't.
It was then that I decided to sponsor a child in an underprivileged country. As soon as I got to a computer, I logged on and chose my little girl.

Her name is MATILDA. She is five years old and she lives in a rural farming community in Ghana, Africa. Matilda loves to sing. By donating a dollar a day, I will provide food, clothes, and education for this precious girl who would otherwise go without.
It's interesting: I find that I hit "shuffle" on my ipod when I'm indifferent, bored, or lazy. As if I have no preference. It makes me feel as though I am shuffling through life - without a preference, without a plan, walking slowly with heavy steps, rather than skipping or dancing through life as it's supposed to be.
But I was convicted -- I am meant to be more that mediocre. And I was reminded -- I still have TIME to DO something. Even if you're not out changing the world, you can still contribute to changing ONE person's world. And isn't that part of making the difference that you long to make? Isn't that a start?
Join today and give a child HOPE.
You have the most beautiful soul of anyone that I've ever known. Your kind and loving heart will work wonders in this world one day, D.
ReplyDeleteThis is beautiful Dest. I'm reading this on a day where I needed something below surface level. Thank you for providing me with depth. I knew I could count on your blog for that. I love you