Thursday, February 9, 2012

a love that rivals fairytales

On rainy days, we'll build blanket forts,
where whimsical disturbs reality.
We'll escape away to a secret land
just like Peter Pan and Wendy.

And on winter nights, we'll build a fire.
Cuddled together with our books to read,
from the library in our enchanted castle,
just like Beauty and the Beast.

For the quiet nights, we'll build a porch swing,
we'll watch the warmth fade to September.
Our silent memories rocking back and forth
just like A Walk to Remember.

Beginning to end, we'll build our story
of laughter, love, trials, and travels.
You'll be the hero who persuades the girl
Just like in Jane Austen's novels.

As for our life, we'll build it on the rocks
overlooking ocean waters, so dense.
A foundation solid, steady, and safe
just like the Little Mermaid and her prince.

On the hard days, we'll build each other up,
chasing away the worry and the hurt.
We'll empower one another to be fearless
Just like Queen Victoria and Prince Albert.

And of course, we'll build imaginations,
words and dreams enhancing our life.
As kindred spirits, we'll conquer the world
Just like Anne Shirley and Gilbert Blythe.

In days to come, we'll build our home
loving better as times get harder
blessed with our own little girls and boys
Just like my Mother and my Father.

Everyday we'll build our own fairytale
where our love will be reigning free
it will rival all the aforementioned
Forever just you and me
Forever just you and me


  1. I love this! You did such a great job.

    I love the symbolism that you wrote into it and I know that each one of those stories or characters represents something dear to you. I love that you chose to write about those things.

    You write so beautifully and you truly bring your ideas and passions to "paper" so well. I'm so proud of the author that you're becoming and I'm so blessed to get to read all of that which you... author?

    It's a beautiful poem, Destiny. I look forward to reading all the others that you will no doubt be inspired to write. :)


  2. This is BEAUTIFUL, Destiny!! As Ben said, I love the symbolism in it and how you wrote about a faiytale at the end. You are such a beautiful writer and I love reading your blog! :)
    xoxo, mckenzie

  3. GAH, BEAUTIFUL. And so you. <3
    Sometimes, I wish I could write like you. :)

  4. Destiny, I love this! You are so talented. :)


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