Tuesday, February 14, 2012

this valentine's day

Last year, there was an uproar on campuses all over America because of a silly, yet dangerous website called collegeacb.com, which was a forum where students could anonymously post hateful things about fellow students. Many individuals here at CNU were gravely hurt and offended by being singled out on the site. Names were named, organizations were attacked, expletives were used, individuals were victimized, challenged, and bullied. We're talking the real, live, digital Burn Book from Mean Girls, people.

That week, as gossip was running rampant and people were emotionally bruised, I walked through the Trib Lib courtyard and heard "All You Need is Love" playing through outdoor speakers. Long tables were set up with large, blank sheets of paper spread over them. Markers and sharpies were provided and people were congregating. A big sign read, "make a stand -- not a post"....I realized people were writing words of encouragement, enforcing unity, and spreading LOVE.

Me and my gem of a friend, Brianna, sat in the courtyard under the sun, listened to the songs about hope, and smiled at the scene. We watched as students meandered across, stopping to write a quote or statement to remind fellow captains to love, respect, and accept others, and to brighten the world in which we live.

Today, the calendar tells us to celebrate love. As people give out chocolate and roses to the "valentine" of choice, I can only think of that sunny day last Spring.

I think that's what it's about. Love, yes, but love even despite hate. Love publicly, love with written words, love as a community, love things that are broken, love to make things better, to join together.

Happy Valentine's Day! Love the right way today!

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