Sunday, June 20, 2010

dad aka hero

Many people know my dad. Lord knows, we can't run into Target or Martin's without someone waving him down to talk, and we can't go to a restaurant without the owner saying a quick hello. He walks away from each person with a huge grin on his face and explains with confidence, "that was my friend; I have them everywhere."

So yes, many people know my dad, but not near as many people know the man that I know, the man underneath the friendly conversations in the frozen food section or the order of a medium-rare steak with potatoes.

But there is so much more to him.

At the dinner table, he is always the one who goes around the table and says, "tell me about your day."
He gives us advice about our jobs, school, and friends.
No matter how busy he gets, he never fails to schedule dates with my mom.
He stays up way past his bedtime to add animation effects to his high school daughter's powerpoint presentation -- even despite her telling him it's not necessary.
He gets emotional over every single father's day card. You would think after 22 years of being a dad, he would keep in under control.
He gets his hair cut for free, but (despite his hairdresser telling him not to) he leaves a $20 bill every time he's finished - which is more than the price of a men's cut.
At every single one of my high school choir concerts, he would sneak into the auditorium at least an hour early to save seats for the fam. It would always be near the front, and he would always cheer very loudly.
He will never, ever forget to tell you how much he loves you.
On election day, he rearranges his schedule to fit mine and B's so that he can go vote with his girls.
He is passionate about God and people. Which effectively sums up his profession.
He has been offered, three times, to work at the national office in Springfield, MO as the national church planting director. He has turned it down every single time because he loves his church in little Williamsburg, VA.
He takes us on "daddy dates" on our birthdays.
He willingly lets us borrow money from him if we're ever in a pinch...and doesn't charge interest!
He mentors the son of close friend who passed away a couple months ago. Once a week, he invests in this young man who is trying to fulfill his father's legacy.
He surprises my mom by completely re-landscaping the yard when she goes out of town.
He has mastered living with four teenage daughters with a listening ear, kind words, many outfit appraisals, patience through the drama, and sympathy toward hormones.
He always gives second chances, and encourages us to do the same.
He makes the best nachos and the best waffles...but besides that, pretty much stays out of the kitchen.
He diligently throws the football, runs routes, and catches passes with my 15-year-old brother every chance he gets...soley because my brother dreams of being a quarterback and my dad knows it's his job to help him get there.
He prays. A lot. And he reads his Bible. Every night.

There is a saying, "it is much easier to become a father than to be one"

...becoming a father is natural, simple, and merely opens the door to the opportunity. But being a father - being a father requires one to handle that overwhelming challenge with grace, patience, and wisdom. Being a dad is being a hero. My dad has truly been a dad.

- d

Monday, June 14, 2010

ben rothwell

since I am quite fond of my boyfriend, and since I am aching to display some of my favorite parts about him, I am going to give a little "virtual tour," so to speak, of benjamin aaron rothwell.

things I love about b:

1) his unbelievable passion for worship and his ability to lead hearts through music.

2) the way he loves my sisters.

3) his eyes. oh yes, those dark eyes. clearly, they run in his family.

4) how cute he was when he was a little boy.

5) his knack for cooking always tastes good.

6) no one has ever looked so good in sunglasses.

7) he eats chipotle burritos with such urgency and satisfaction.

8) his horrendous facial expressions.

9) we like the same food, made the same way.

10) where he's come from and the journey he's traveled to be the man that he is today.

11) the way he looks at me -- that lingering gaze that displays even the corners of his heart.

12) his droid phone (no really, I love it) and his constant cup of coffee.

13) the way he makes me laugh -- so hard, so often.

14) he read twilight...and liked it.

15) he whistles whenever he's in a good mood.

16) the way he interacts with children.

17) he sings to/with me.

Monday, June 7, 2010

love has a name

"For the girl dressed in white, for the man who's lost his sight
When life's the question, love's the answer
For the poor nameless child, for lovers unreconciled
When life's the question, love's the answer
For a world lost in pain, know that love has a name
When life's the question, Jesus answers
with his love
Always waits, never lies, no disguise
...the love of Jesus"

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

introducing: aunt dedi

Even at four years old, I still had trouble talking. My older sister, Taylor-Lynn, was my faithful translator. If you were to meet me and ask me my name, I would gladly and confidently respond with, "dedi modo."

Two years ago, my mom had a baby. Unplanned. Number 10. I was 18 years old and graduating high school. I instantly fell in love with Anderson and prided myself on taking care of him. A couple months ago, he learned to say my name. "Dedi."

Now, I am an aunt. The AUNT of Gabriel Alexander Louis, born May 28th, 2010. My brother-in-law, Drew, has fittingly titled me "aunt dedi."

I am currently in Dallas, Texas, staying in the will-be nursery at Taylor and Drew's little house. The room is already decorated with little wooden "g's" that are standing up on his dark oak armoire. The closet is full of little infant onesies. The bathroom is complete with baby soap, baby washcloths, and baby powder.

The surroundings remind me of my new role and all the associated feelings:

I am proud - proud of my sister who endured 15 hours of labor, and who gave birth to gabriel naturally.
I am impressed - impressed that the girl who cried at bee stings and spankings could go through that excruciating pain for someone so small, yet so significant.
I am content - content watching drew's large hands hold his son while bending his 6'5" frame to whisper and sooth gabriel.
I am committed - committed to spoiling and fighting for this little boy.
I am anxious - anxious to see who he will become and what great things he will accomplish.
I am happy - happy for the Louis family which is forever changed and bettered.
I am confident - confident that they will be such extraordinary and rewarding parents.
I am compelled - compelled to hold him nonstop, sing to him, stare
at him, snuggle him, etc.
I am humbled - humbled by Taylor's selflessness.
I am convinced - convinced that those 10 little fingers and 10 little toes are evidence of God's ultimate masterpiece -- life.
I am inspired - inspired to start my own family one day, and become a mommy.
I am overwhelmed - overwhelmed with love for gabriel.
I am blessed - blessed because I get to be a part of his family, blessed because he will know me one day as someone who truly adores him, blessed to witness this miracle of life, and blessed to watch the miracle continue to unfold.

Welcome to the world, Gabriel, I promise to mother you a little -- and befriend you a lot.

- dedi

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