I've known this girl since August 2010. She is a recent friend. My first memory/impression was of her laughing. We were in the hall doing some "ice breakers" the first week of school and most of our hallmates had dispersed back to their rooms or various activities. Bree and her friend were among the last (perhaps they were as desperate to meet people as I was) and they couldn't stop giggling over something unbeknownst to me. I was instantly drawn to and intrigued by this beautiful girl's infectious laugh. She was happy. And I like happy.
I couldn't have known how much I would grow to LOVE this happy, loyal, good, and selfless girl. I also couldn't have known that when I witnessed her demeanor that first night...she had just broken up with the love of her life -her first boyfriend- just a week or so earlier. Inside, she was hurt and broken. But I only saw radiance. I still do.
- is a picky eater; her food preferences consist of rice with butter, pasta with meat sauce, french fries, olive garden, cookie dough, and she can put away an entire chanello's pizza.
- always wears unmatching socks.
- says, "like" a lot. ie: "I'm like, sweating", "I'm like, really hungry", "I like, love you", etc.
- knits scarves.
- is very generous.
- is cuddly. :)
On my 21st birthday, she came and spent the night in my room....even though her bed is just 20 steps down the hall; instead, she lugged her blankets down and crashed on my floor (which isn't comfortable, btw). Fortunately, we didn't do much sleeping. We snacked on hot pockets, easy mac and sour patch kids, stalked people on facebook, talked about break-ups and true love, our families, faith, and insecurities.
And we laughed. A LOT.
I'm so thankful for this kindred spirit who values friendship like I do and exemplifies consideration and love in everything she does. It's so hard these days to find REAL girls who want MEANINGFUL friendships and who ENCOURAGE you and say, "you look beautiful today" when you need it the most.
Where/how did I find her?!

I'm so happy you've finally found a friend who treats you right and gives back as much as you give forth. You deserve this. :)
ReplyDelete(apart from Mikayla - you're the best)